Friday, August 1, 2008

Tonsill update

Jackson got his tonsill's out on Tuesday and has been a champ since then. To my surprise, he seems to recovering very quickly! He doesn't want to drink hardly anything though so we came up with the idea of using a timer. Every 3 minutes when the timer goes off he takes 3 small sips of water. It seems to be working great. For some reason I'm mean when I ask him to take a drink, but if the timer goes off that's just what happens. Thank you GIANT Steps for one more helpful tidbit. He is supposed to take an antibiotic to keep him from getting an infection. However, the Dr. told me that he wouldn't have to if we could keep him from other people especially kids. Lucie and Daphne are fine but no neighbor kids or friends for the 10-12 days it takes him to recover. We decided to hold him hostage for a couple of days instead of trying to fight him on another medication. Hopefully, we'll be able to leave the house and see people in about a week from Sunday. Till then, I email, A LOT!

1 comment:

McKenna said...

I'm glad he's doing well. I would totally avoid the antibiotic also, but it's sad that you are stuck at home for so long. :( Hopefully we'll see you when you emerge. :)